It might be an unwise business decision but it's ludicrous to blast Sony for being greedy here. The reality is that they're selling each PS5 for less than its manufacturing costs and less than the market-clearing price. That will still be true after the price increase. The fact that PS5s fly off the shelves as fast as Sony can ship them is proof that they're incredible value.

Selling a product for a price people are willing to pay is not unforgiveable greed, and selling it at considerably *less* than the price people would be willing to pay certainly isn't. Frankly, complaining that a private company is not taking enough of a loss subsidising our hardware is the kind of thing that gets gamers labelled as 'entitled'.

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They should have announced this at Gamescom just like they did with their fancy new controller...the trailer opens with some moody synths as the camera flies around the contours of enormous, sleek objects, unknowable at this scale until at last the camera pulls out and lights come on to fully illuminate a giant 3D rendering of the characters "€50"...hmmm why didn't they do that I wonder?

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I love Sony and the PlayStation but they are trying my patience this generation with hidden costs and just anti consumer choices.

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I'm part of the problem really. Completely agree this is a shitty move and would love to sack them off and stick with just my Xbox, but it's just not enough of a one-stop-shop software wise. I would instantly get FOMO and rebuy a PS5 as soon as GoW or something came out.

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Absolutely brilliant and spot on.

Cheeky sods, to say the least!

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