Jun 18, 2022Liked by Nathan Brown

Whatever this was - in the old days I guess you might call it a “preview”, more please! This Hit Points thing is coming together well. Not like opening up an old worn copy of Edge a few times a week, more like replacing that with a new thing from the same place, as you might say.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Nathan Brown

Strangely, I usually struggle to Shoryuken when facing right rather than left.

Probably why I always preferred to go player 2.

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I can relate a good deal with you on being older (also with a SFII arcade degree) and struggling to keep up with the required "training" to enjoy fighting games properly... but I was secretly happy with SFIV3D when I saw I could map specials to the touch screen instead of busting the flimsy 3DS analog pad trying to pull a couple hadoukens.

By then I was ashamed of "cheating" like that, but playing Tatsunoko vs. Capcom with a simplified control scheme--fit for 3 buttons and a d-pad, aka "sideways remote"--after it was a blast and made me realize those games aren't enjoyable for their "virtuosistic" command handling, but for the satisfaction of nailing their timing correctly; and taking complicated inputs out of the way only enhanced the experience--while throwing in a good deal of accessibility as well.

I know it's pretty hard to catter to one audience without letting another down, but this SFVI might as well be the common ground the genre needs--its widespread popularity being the catalyst of the eventual design decisions pointing that way.

As for me I'm rooting for it.

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Man that Street Fighter 6 Sounds more and more like what cap com did with Marvel Vs Capcom 2 in Arcades and Marvel vs Capcom 3 in the PS3/PS4.

I learned playing those games in the actual arcade hall where the first three months I was laughed down by the pros. And then I won one local tournament with 8 perfect wins. One of these with a Morirían/Lillith/Felicia combo (I still don't know how I did that)

And I remember none of my friends would ever want to play against me because it was unfair (to them)

Then the console help came along and they had a fighting chance making their lives less of a living nightmare whilst playing with me

SF6 seems like I will be on the losing end with a fighting chance. I am on board.

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