“Hey! Listen!”

Navi - Ocarina of Time, 1998

Completely agree with you here Nathan. The white space is as important as the stuff you fill the space with.

How about title music? I always loved the calming title screen music of Dark Souls. A place of peaceful serenity seems like a fitting place to start any play-through of a From Software game lest controllers get hopped against walls. Yet they done away with soothing intro music for subsequent games like Bloodborne (gothic nightmare destroys underpants) and Elden Ring (Hans Zimmer goes on heavenly crusade).

I need not be any further amped before playing a From Software game! Give me Zen in the garden before all the blood gets spilled!

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I loved the triggered dialogues in the 2018 reboot, but if I remember correctly, they only occurred when you got on the lake or traveled between doors. Having that all the time does indeed sound exhausting. Jon’s suggestion here sound great, use that algorithm to put in some music.

I’d also point out it feels really, really weird when the pool of dialogue runs out. This happened to me in the 2018 reboot: not only does the world suddenly feel empty, but it’s as if the game was chiding you: you’re taking too long!

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