Dec 21, 2022Liked by Nathan Brown

Hey Nathan - as a producer on two of the titles you've mentioned in this edition (IMMORTALITY & Wordle) I want to thank you. Hit Points is a joy in my mail box, and it's wild to see this all here. Happy holidays!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Nathan Brown

My wordle starter was also STARE for a long time but then the answer one day was STAIR and I decided the odds were that the same word but different spelling would never come up so I ditched it.

But the excitement in that split second when the first the letters were green..

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Awesome read as always, and you got yourself a new record: sending me to the dictionary for 2 words in a row. You "pottered"? You "mooched"? You What?!

Marry Xmas sir!

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Lovely bit of writing there on Elden Ring. Almost makes me want to buy it. But my time with From Software was over a long time ago, after at least one hundred attempts at felling Ornstein and Smough, and finally smashing a controller into the floor. It's too late to try now: parenting two children and "gitting gud" are two entirely uncompatible propositions.

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Playing immortality now. It is very intriguing and compelling. I will say do be in the right place for it. The content advisory is no joke.

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I gave Vampire Survivors another go after reading this and now I'm hooked, "it puts me to sleep" probably won't make it onto a list of reviewer quotes but it worked for me, thanks.

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