Love meta stuff about how we talk about games, hope you do more pieces like this in the future.

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I've been seeing more balanced writing about AI/ML stuff as a complimentary tool, which I'm more inclined to agree with. I don't think that there's a way to put the genie back in the bottle, and while I feel for the artists who are freaking out about generators... look, writing-as-content has been actively devalued for years due to "anyone being able to do it." This ain't new. Adapt, get good/specialized, or die. That's why we're on Substack.

I saw a couple things yesterday about ChatGPT being used during the writing process that kind of clicked, and I want to explore in the future. Saying "I want you to write me an article about [topic I want to write about]", and then *getting angry about inaccuracies* tells you where you need to focus your detailed writing work. Alternatively, asking it for prompts for journaling and "having a conversation with it" means you can examine yourself a bit better.

Dunno, this is like the arguments I was having about Twitter with journalism school classmates in 2008; it might feel annoying to deal with or you might resist wanting to make one, but it's here, it's a tool that's going to be used, and you're going to have to reconcile the disadvantage you're putting yourself at by trying to ignore it. You might not want to USE it every day, but you're at least going to have to understand it.

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Thanks Nathan, interesting piece as usual <3

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