This is the thing about E3. I’m old enough to have attended roughly a dozen times (the first time, my friends in the media got me in at 17), but even I realize that the only people who feel like E3 is a necessity are older people are simply used to it being there. I would love to have E3 back in physical form, but being honest with myself I don’t think we’re actually losing anything material without it. When the video game world was primarily a physical space - most games were sold in boxes at stores, and most gamers got their info from magazines, it made much more sense. Now? Try bridge to selling a video game is, well, no longer a bridge. It’s more like a river, fast and fluid.

Is the SGF a replacement for E3? Of course not. But, it’s a place to spout off about video games during a season many people are used to tuning in during. The Samsung ads and what not didn’t conflict with that.

Plus, let’s be honest, that Nicolas Cage cameo was on point !

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I really miss E3! *sniff*

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I have to say... _who cares_? I agree that most of the games at SGF were terrible. Most of the games at E3 were terrible too. Why does that matter? Tomorrow, the Steam Next Fest starts, where I'll be able to download demos of new games that are coming out soon and actually try them. Most of these games would never have been allowed in the door at E3, much less make the big presentations where some suits at Microsoft pick who the "winners" are who actually get their support in promotion.

SGF is terrible and mostly useless. If E3 was still around, it would be too.

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